A teenager's room whose favorite color is purple. After discussing it with the parents, we decided that gray could be a good color to balance the bright and stunning purple; and the result speaks for itself: Wonderful!
Hermosa Beach - 2011
A restaurante located in North Hollywood inside a warehouse. The owners hired us to bring life to the place, the end result was to paint it with bright colors: yellow, red, and brown to balance it with the dry green color of the cement floor.
Cafe Restaurant - North Hollywood - 2009
A kitchen painted with a bright red to satisfy the owner's requirement. A kitchen that stands out by itself. Bright colors to paint your kitchen always create a great result.
Rolling Hills - 2008
Preparation is one of the most important steps of the work we provide. We care for every detail, including the floors and any other objects that are in place. Our first concern is to bring a wholistic high-quality service for your painting needs.
Kitchen and Cabinets preparation - Hermosa Beach - 2011
We are always very pleased to see a picture like this one. The whole place is in harmony and peace, whichs makes a very happy and thankful customer of us forever!
Painting a kitchen - Hermosa Beach - 2011
This colorful floor could not be for another place than a Brazilian restaurant called "Samba restaurant". You can find it at the Redondo Beach pier. Color, joy, magic, fun, samba dancing girls, which remind us of Brazil!
Different colors can definitively transform a space.
Vibrant colors create a happy environment.
Soft and pastel colors provide calm and harmony.
Dark colors stand for elegance and presence.
Mix of colors gives you the balance you want.